Sweth --

Your description is a little convoluted.  Please allow me to attempt to
clearly restate your goal and confirm or deny the presentation.

In =lists/mutt
  sending in general (to the list, to me, to your mom)
    From: mutt@yoursite

In =lists/loganalysis
  sending in general (to the list, to me, to your mom)
    From: loganalysis@yoursite

  sending to mutt list
    From: mutt@yoursite
  sending to loganalysis list
    From: loganalysis@yoursite

If you only wanted the latter, then it would be a piece of cake; all you
would need would be send-hooks.

If you only wanted the former two, then it would also be a piece of cake;
all you would need would be folder-hooks.

If you want all three, then it does, indeed, get tricky.  I think that
the most straightforward approach is to pull all of the send-hooks (both
for lists and for exceptional_persons) into a muttrc that you source
from within a folder-hook, and then for each list folder construct a
folder-hook about like

  folder-hook =lists/mutt \
    'send-hook . my_hdr From: mutt@yoursite ; \
      source $HOME/.mutt/muttrc.sendhooks'

so that you reset your "default" send-hook for each list but then still
allow the overriding for any returned list address.

Note that the above is also untested, and I bet that you'll need at least
another set of quotes in that folder-hook.  Have at it.

I don't know if mutt's debug log will show how it sets addresses or why
(which hook it's obeying), but it can't hurt to try it.


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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