Jussi, et al --

...and then Jussi Ekholm said...
% Rocco Rutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
% > * [EMAIL PROTECTED] [05/28/02 04:41:37 CEST] wrote:
% >> In .muttrc I have: "mailboxes +IN-foobarA +IN-foobarB"
% >> and also: "mbox-hook =IN-foorbarA =foobarA" etc.
% This is probably a stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway because it
% has been bothering me since I first subscribed to mutt-user. ;-)

Not stupid :-)

% What's the thing with mailboxes with filename starting with IN (whoa,
% three "with"'s in a row, $$ JACKPOT $$!)? Is it some sort of standard
% for some mailbox format or what? I'd really want to know, so bear with
% me...

It's just a convention, rather than anything as lofty as a standard, and
when folks see it they often take it up for themselves.

When I started working with email I simply used =F.* for 'f'olders
that caught list mail; my mutt-users (and mutt-rpm and mutt-announce,
BTW) mail comes into =F.mutt, while my fcc copy is =mutt-users (or
=mutt-rpm).  When I started doing some organizing, I made 'd'irectories
like =D.UGA for school stuff and =D.work for work stuff (with, in fact
D.* directories thereunder for particular jobs, like =D.work/D.SAP for
SAP America or =D.PFE for Pfizer and so on), and I have F.* folders in
there for work-related mailing lists.  It's just another way to do the
same thing: keep a handle on the huge mess of email :-)

Were I using an =IN* structure, I'd then be more set up to have an =OUT
structure for posts to lists, too; at the moment I have a collision
between =support, where I put all generic support-related email I send
off to various companies, and [EMAIL PROTECTED] (a dorky name
for a mailing list if ever there were one!).  For now I've just directed
that list mail into my main freenet folder's fcc via a hook (which would
be required, in one way or another, for =OUT* anyway) but I'm thinking of
an =Lists directory where I have the F.* incoming and * outgoing folders
(old habits die hard :-)

You can also check back in the archives for various posts talking about
organizing mail folders and such.  Lots of people have tried various
methods, each with their merits but none sufficiently perfect to take
over the world :-)

% -- 
% Jussi Ekholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU/Linux user number 269376
% http://erppimaa.cjb.net/~ekhowl/   | GnuPG Public Key ID:  1410081E


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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