On Fri, May 31, 2002 at 01:33:27PM +0300, Jussi Ekholm wrote:
> This is probably a stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway because it
> has been bothering me since I first subscribed to mutt-user. ;-)
> What's the thing with mailboxes with filename starting with IN (whoa,
> three "with"'s in a row, $$ JACKPOT $$!)? Is it some sort of standard
> for some mailbox format or what? I'd really want to know, so bear with
> me...

I use it as mail spoolfile for incoming messages from mailinglists. It
makes it easy to see and maintain those lists. Once read I delete a
message or have it automatically saved in folder for that list.

I use IN-* so it will be above all the other files when listed. "A"
comes before "a".


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