On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 10:23:38AM +0200, Wojciech Krygier wrote:
> Just in case it might be helpful: "bind editor \ch backward-char" works
> fine here, even without unbinding its previous action

Hi Wojciech,

Just so I understand a bit more, what action did your \ch key perform
before you re-bound it to backward-char as described above in your note?
In all the instances I've been able to get \ch to perform backward-char,
it turned out that it was already doing backward-char by default, so
I wasn't really re-binding that key.

If yours was really doing something else, that'd be very useful to know.
If not, maybe that key is really unbindable, and maybe someday the manual
could be updated to reflect that fact.



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