On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 09:12:48PM -0600, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> What exactly are you referring to when you say ^H? The backspace key? Or
> the actual ^H character?

Sorry, that "^H" notation is an old Unix convention for Control-H---
the control key pressed simultaneously with the "h" key.  I used both
"Control-H" and "^H" in my original post interchangably, thinking it
might be less boring.  Maybe it was just confusing.  Some archaeological
terminals made it difficult or impossible to distinguish the code for
^H from BS, since the ascii for H is 0x48 and BS is 0x08, and Control
typically drops the high bit.  But modern keyboards and tty drivers
easily can tell the two apart.

I want to press the control key, (right next to the "A" key) with my
left little finger, and the "H" key with my right index finger, moving
it slightly to the left from its home position over the "J" key.  It's
sort of comfortable anatomically to press those keys, when I want to
move the cursor to the left.  To move it to the right, I use ^L, which
I had no trouble rebinding in Mutt's editor.

> Because I have no idea how to rebind a character to something, if
> that's even possible

You rebind things, as you say, with the "bind" command.  You represent
control characters with "\cwhatever" (or \C..., or their octal equivalent
with \nnn).  The manual (1.3.99i) section 3.3 "Changing the default key
bindings" has a pretty thorough discussion of this subject.  Pursuant
to this thread, the manual says nothing about the ^H key being unbindable.

> but you can rebind the backspace key like this:
> bind editor <backspace> <left>
> Though I'm not sure if that'll work... (untested).

I'm quite sure that would fail, with the message:
  "<left> no such function in map"
but in any case, even if I substituted "backward-char" for "<left>" in
your example, it's not what I want.  I'm prefectly happy with the way
my <backspace> key works; I just want my ^H key to work correctly.


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