On Fri, May 17, 2002 at 10:48:57AM -0400, Sweth Chandramouli wrote:
> > Your assessment here is correct.  You can really only match against the
> > to: and cc: fields of the new message.  The rest of the header fields
> > are generated after the send-hook's are evaluated, since typically the
> > user wants to alter settings based upon the address(es) they are sending
> > to (most notably the From: line).
>       I assume you mean "To:" rather than "From:"; if that's the
> case, is there any way to accomplish what I want?  The only other

No, I meant the "From:" line.  The typical use of send-hook is to set
your proper return address based upon the recipients of the mail.

> solution I can think of is to map my "reply" button to pipe the current
> mail into a script that generates a template based on whatever logic I'd
> like to use (although I still haven't figured out how to pass info to
> that script about what folder I'm in, etc.), and then reinvokes mutt with
> the -H flag specifying that template for the header info.  That just
> seems too kludgy for words, however.

Mutt just doesn't have support for what you want to do, I think.  You
really would need a mail client like GNUS which is completely

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