Hi all. I'm having some problems with TMDA confirmation messages. When I hit 'r' to reply the messages, the To: field not show the correct address (Reply-To), instead it shows the To: address of the original message. In the example below, when i hit 'r' i saw To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: <> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Received: (qmail 30387 invoked by uid 502); 15 May 2002 01:55:53 -0000 From: Eduardo Gargiulo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Please confirm your message Date: 14 May 2002 22:55:53 -0300 Message-ID: <1021427753.30373.TMDA@masq> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Precedence: bulk X-Delivery-Agent: TMDA/0.54 -------------------------------------------------------------------- how can i fix this? -- Eduardo Gargiulo ^ejg(-.*)?@ar\.homelinux\.org$
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