On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 04:29:30PM -0400, Sweth Chandramouli wrote: > This leads me to believe that send-hook is applied before > the full message is built, and more specifically before the headers > against which I'm matching are available (or maybe only certain headers > are passed in to the hook). Is that the case? The docs vaguely imply > that it is, by saying that send-hook is used to match recipients, but > they also say that the description of patterns in "Message Matching in > Hooks" applies, and that description explicitly references other headers > like "From:".
Your assessment here is correct. You can really only match against the to: and cc: fields of the new message. The rest of the header fields are generated after the send-hook's are evaluated, since typically the user wants to alter settings based upon the address(es) they are sending to (most notably the From: line).