* On 2002.04.24, in <20020424212120.GA7108@bernard>, * "Bernard Massot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > set attribution="if [ %[%w] = 1 ]; then echo -n \"D'al %%d, %%n en deus >skrivet:%%\"; else echo -n \"D'ar %%d, %%n en deus skrivet:%%\"; fi |" > > > It works, thank you ! > But I want it to apply in a send-hook. How can quote it properly ? > I tried different combinations of simple quotes, double quotes and > backskashes, but no one worked.
Two ideas: 1. Place this set command in a separate file -- say, ~/.muttrc-brezhoneg. Put your current setting in ~/.muttrc-english. Set these send-hooks: send-hook . "source ~/.muttrc-english" send-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] "source ~/.muttrc-brezhoneg" OR: 2. Place the shell stuff in a separate script: --- SNIP ---- #!/bin/sh if [ $1 = 1 ]; then echo -n "D'al %d, %n en deus skrivet:%" else echo -n "D'ar %d, %n en deus skrivet:%" fi --- SNIP ---- And call this script from your send-hook to simplify quoting: send-hook . "set attribution='normal attribution'" send-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] "set attribution='script.sh %[%w] |'" You can get fancier, but either of those should basically work. -- -D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] NSIT University of Chicago