Dave --

...and then Dave Smith said...
% Hi all.  I need some help.


% Our wonderful corporate IT department has added a virus scanner to
% the main MTA.  "Good for them", you might say.  However, this

I might.  Then, again, ...

% particular scanner communicates its result by adding an extra text/plain
% attachment to the top of the mail.  AIUI, this violates the PGP/MIME RFC,
% and most certainly breaks mutt.

... I might not!  Let me guess: are they a windows shop?

Yes, that's definitely a no-no.  They should add anything they want into
the headers and leave the body alone.

% For example...
% Picking a mail recently posted on the list,

Hey, I'm famous! ;-)

% Can anyone think of a solution other than fetch/procmail (I'd like to keep
% my mail on the imap server if possible), or chainging the MTA setup?

I suppose "rape, pillage, and burn" is not an appropriate course of
action...  There's always hope, though.  Check out the scanner itself; if
it can be twiddled to write to the headers instead of the body, then
maybe you can convince management or your IT department.

If the scanner checks all mail, and not just mail from the 'net, then
start signing all of your mail (if you aren't already, and shame on you
if you aren't!) and politely explain exactly why it looks bad on the
receiver's end, perhaps with a copy to said management or IT department.

Can you put procmail in line on the IMAP server?  If we assume that the
email will be broken and there's nothing we can do about it, that seems
like the most reasonable approach.

Would something like isync(?) let you suck the mail down from its landing
mailbox, procmail it locally, and then put it back up in a real mailbox?

You could implement a really ugly wrapper script that takes the mail,
finds and (after ensuring that it *is* the bogus stuff placed by the
scanner, of course) tosses the first attachment, and *then* hands the
message to gpg for verification.  It certainly would get the bad
attachment out of the way, even if it is inelegant.

% Unsigned replies would be appreciated...

Just for you -- and just this once!

% -- 
% David Smith            Work Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% STMicroelectronics     Home Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% Bristol, England


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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