> Now I'm wondering which of ^TO or ^TO_ is better to use? TO_, it's newer and more robust (IIRC). There were some very few cases where TO was better (I don't know them). There was a comment "TO_ should have been called TO, and vice versa", but TO was there first so it had to stay. Change all your TO to TO_.
> Why not Just use the regular OR operator?: Absolutely! > * ^TOmutt(-dev|-users)?@(ns.)?gbnet.net|\ > ^[EMAIL PROTECTED]|\ > ^TOmutt(-dev|-users)?@.*(cs.hmc.edu|mutt.org|yahoogroups.com) * ^TO_(address1|address2|address3) Volker PS Perhaps we should remove all the list aliases and rename the list to mutt-procmail-chat? Oops, ok, I'll stop posting about procmail now. -- Volker Kuhlmann is possibly list0570 with the domain in header http://volker.orcon.net.nz/ Please do not CC list postings to me.