Incoming from Sven Guckes:
> * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-18 15:37]:
> > ...and then s. keeling said...
> > %   - Kibo probably already has the fix implemented.
> > There he is!  I knew it would come to this soon :-)
> I wonder whether Kibo will catch
> these message from the google archive..

Aii!  We used to think it was pretty astonishing that someone would
grep his mail/news spool.  Unless he's upgraded recently, google's
gonna present a problem (I found a post today in
from a co-worker that was originally posted in '91 [I was only hoping
to explain to my mother]).

Yo, Kibo.  Que pasa?

WHAT A GREAT LIST THIS IS!              =[8]-)

[And to Sven: Do you want cc:'s?  It's my honor_followup_to that's
filling in my cc: header on replies to your posts.  Different strokes

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
     TopQuark Software & Serv. Contract programmer, server bum.

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