* On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, parv wrote:

> > Why not Just use the regular OR operator?:
> when one has to debug complex recipe (as procmail doesn't say what
> was actually matched), or during the creation of one, it's much
> easier to work w/ weighted recpie as one can easily (un)comment &
> test.

Good point.

> in addition, if both ^TO and ^TO_ had been used, it would be
> easier to notice the difference in the weighted recipe.  so,
> maintainance is another issue.
> and another reason: there is more than one way to do it.


> > :0 * ^TOmutt(-dev|-users)?@(ns.)?gbnet.net|\
> > ^TOmutt(-dev|-users)?@.*(cs.hmc.edu|mutt.org|yahoogroups.com)
> for trivial/short/simple conditions, i do prefer the above, but
> then why use multiple ^TO's...

Not needed, but this also might make it easier to comment out
certain lines for testing, although you have to watch out for the
"|\"s at the ends of the lines. 


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