* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-04-07 10:37:45 -0500]: > Rob -- > > ...and then Feztaa said... > % > % Alas! David T-G spake thus: > % > % Use perl or python or egrep of emacs or some of the more modern vi > % > % clones etc. > % > > % > Agreed; a little perl one-liner was what I had in mind, since I vaguely > % > recall that egrep is *not* the same as mutt. > % > % Here you go: > > [snip] > > You call that a one-liner? Good grief; who taught you how to count??
perl -n -e 'print ((m/REGEX/)?"It matches\n":"It doesn\x27t match\n")'