Cameron, et al --

...and then Cameron Simpson said...
% On 16:21 06 Apr 2002, Rob 'Feztaa' Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
% | Then somebody else had tried to use the exact regex in either perl or
% | So try fooling with some sed regex's to get a working match, then use
% | that in mutt.
% Sed's actually a poor choice - it supports "type one" (for want of a
% better term) regexes, and substrings are demarked with \( and \) versus
% "full regular expressions" which use ( and ).


% Use perl or python or egrep of emacs or some of the more modern vi
% clones etc.

Agreed; a little perl one-liner was what I had in mind, since I vaguely
recall that egrep is *not* the same as mutt.

% -- 
% Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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