* Daniel Bye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-20 21:22]:
> I agree with the main thrust of the rant, but
> would leave myself in a very tenuous position
> at work if I were to adopt a similar stance.
>     blah blah blah
> But thanks, again - if only I had a heart like a lion...

now, if these people would actually have the
guts to sign an online petition or use an
ASCII ribbon against bad mailers in their sig..
but, no...  *sigh*

just what will they tell their kids?

"Daddy - why is the police after us?
"Because we use Free Software, my son."

"What is free software, daddy?"
"well... it's free - you know.
 open source and... uh.. something
 about free beer.  you know..
 you just get to use it without paying
 an hourly rate.. and it's ok."

"hmm... but you have to pay for
 Hyper-Mega-Outlook 3000 each time.
 then it is not free software?"

"Well, you see, I *have* to use Outl**k.  I mean,
 *everbody* is using it!  I have no choice!  You
 cannot use something else and get away with it.
 It's not right. I could lose my job if I complained!
 It's... peer pressure! I mean - what *else* is there?"

"Grandad Linus said we could use
 the programs on his 2002 DVD..."

"Shhh, sonny!  Not so loud!  'They' are listening!
 They listen to everybody's mailbox.  They have
 a copy of all the secret keys.  and they X-rayed
 my brain and cloned it for testing hard drives.
 their secret webpages use gestapo viruses and.."

"really, dad?"

"really! .. i think.."


"are we lost, dad?"

"No, son, because you.. you will make it better!
 You will stand up and fight that only remaining
 computer company with its information retrieval
 system[tm].  You will resist their programs and
 use free software ... sshhh!  i hear them coming.."

ahh.. whiners!  sheesh.

Sven  [heard it all before...]

Everybody uses the editor/mailer/
   program/OS that he deserves!

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