Daniel --

...and then Daniel Bye said...
% Hi all,


% Wonder if anyone can help?  I have scoured all the documentation I can find

Well, I wasn't wondering before, but I kind of am now ;-)

% on the web, people's published .muttrc's, etc, but can still not find out how 
% to do what I want, or if it is even possible...

While it's certainly possible, mutt doesn't pay attention to those
headers but instead uses a flag header.  I do it with this snippet in
my procmailrc reformatting section

  # high priority recognition for mutt
  :0 f :
  * ^importance: high|^priority: urgent
  | $FORMAIL -I "X-Status: F"

and then this bit in my muttrc

  mono index standout ~F        # reverse index entry for flagged (hi-pri)

from very ancient days, but it works for me.

% Can I insert headers into a message using a macro?  Specifically, I want to be
% able to mimic the MS Outlook message importance tags, which insert two headers:
% Importance: high
% X-Priority: 1

Interesting.  I thought it was 

  Priority: Urgent

but I haven't looked it up in a while.

% Any suggestions or pointers where to find details would be very welcome.

If you have edit_headers turned on, then you can just insert those
headers while editing your message and away you go.  Thus, if you don't
usually edit headers, one possibility is to have a macro that turns on
edit_headers, edits the message, and then turns off edit_headers when the
editor exits.

Another possibility is to just use my_hdr to set them, but you'll have to
umny_hdr them *after* you've sent the message.  If I were to go this
route I'd have a send-hook that by default turns them off and then a
macro which turns them on; just finish editing your message, hit your
desired macro stroke (it looks, upon a quick glance, as though ^U and ^P
are available), and then send the message on its way.

% Thanks all,


% Dan 

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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