On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 04:05:42PM -0500, Shawn McMahon wrote:
> begin  quoting what Daniel Bye said on Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 09:00:15PM +0000:
> > 
> > for Outlookers, and I seem to spend a _lot_ of time sending mail to folks using
> > Outlook. 
> I spend a lot of time sending mail to Outlook users, too, but it all
> just says this:
> If you are reading this, it means that you sent me an email saying that
> you can't read my emails.  The short answer to why not is:
> Your mailer is broken.  This is your problem, not mine.  File a bug
> report with the vendor.  I'm going to continue signing my mail, and if
> you don't change your end of things, you're going to continue having
> problems reading it.
> In some cases (you're cute, my mom, or you're offering sufficient reasons 
> per hour), I'll make exceptions, but this is on a case-by-case basis, and 
> I'm intentionally leaving it as a PITA manual process so that each of us
> is reminded it's a bad idea:  me, when I do it, you, when I forget and 
> you're stuck with unreadable mail from me.  GET A REAL MAILER.
> No, this isn't a virus, a bomb, a bug, a worm, or any other executable 
> code.  And if it is, that's your problem, not mine.
> If your IT or MIS department is brain-dead enough to actually strip off 
> these attachments before you get your mail, I'm going to laugh at you 
> in public.  Sorry, this ain't the sympathy department.
> (This rant excerpted from a longer one copyright (c) 2001, Karsten M. Self.
> Full rant available on request.)

Err, thanks...  ;-)

I agree with the main thrust of the rant, but would leave myself in a very
tenuous position at work if I were to adopt a similar stance.  I resent 
having to "break" mutt, so that the already shafted Outlook doesn't sh*t it-
self, but I am one of at most 5 pc of the office population who wouldn't
accept the status quo and just use Outlook.  Alas, that means that most of my
day to day business is carried out with people whom I don't really want to
alienate by sending them a (finely crafted, no doubt ;-) rant, especially as
we're coming up to pay review time!

But thanks, again - if only I had a heart like a lion...


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