* Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-03-17 02:05]:
> What I'm trying to accomplish is more or less the same Jerome (the
> original poster) wants. We use mutt with nntp-patch and want to set
> headers according to the fact if we are mailing or posting.

i got that.   however, you did not describe
what the goal of *your* setup should be.

> What I want is to test if there is a To-header or not - if
> there is one, I'm mailing, if there is none, I'm posting.

hmm.. ok.  i think.  (i do not know what else the NNTP patches offer.)

> If I'm mailing, add a Bcc header (I'm Bccing
> all mail to myself to keep track of it).
> If not, do not add this header because
> this results in an ugly "To: undiclosed
> recipients ;" line in my postings.

If you just want mutt to keep
a copy of all your messages
depending on Email or Usenet
then why not set FCC instead?

Why *send* a copy?

> I've tried an otherwise empty .muttrc file and
> send-hook .          "unmy_hdr *"
> send-hook  '~t ..*'    'my_hdr Bcc: mail'
> send-hook !'~t ..*'    'my_hdr Bcc: news'

  fcc-hook    '~t .'   +MAIL
  fcc-hook  '! ~t .'   +NEWS

Isn't this easier?

> Testing the settings:
> 1. (mail) no bcc
> 2. (mail) bcc: mail
> 3. (news) bcc: mail
> 4. (news) bcc: news
> So it seems to work, but the
> send-hook is "one message late".



Sven Guckes      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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