Gary, et al --

...and then Gary Johnson said...
% On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 10:22:34PM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > ...and then Gary Johnson said...
% > % On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 05:46:09AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% > % 
% > % > Please help me clarify...  Is it the case that $mime_forward does not
% > % OK, let me try to explain this by an example.  Someone sends me a
% > 
% > I just wanted to make sure I understood the problem; lots of people
% > started pointing to $mime_forward when I didn't think that that was the
% > answer Aleks sought.
% I'm sorry if my tone was impolite.  I was exasperated by the apparent
% need to explain again what I thought Aleks had already made clear.

The tone was not at all impolite; no worries.  I reply in kind; I didn't
mean to put you off your footing, but merely to clarify why I was asking
for clarification.  I think we share the exasperation.

% One reason for replying in such detail was that I wanted to be sure that
% I understood the problem myself before criticizing mutt's behavior, so I
% tried all the ways I knew of forwarding as I was writing the reply.  I
% learned some stuff.

That's always good :-)  Forgive me for having snipped so much of your
message away!

% > % ([n]/y):", mutt starts my editor with the text/plain part already there.
% > 
% > So you (or you in Aleks's shoes) want to be able to edit the text body as
% > though it were a reply.  OK.
% I guess this is habit as much as anything else.  Mutt's default
% forwarding behavior, as well as that of a lot of other mailers, judging
% from the mail I receive, is to include the original message in the new
% message's body.  So that's what I've come to expect.

Sure; forwarding without MIME encapsulation.  I don't do that but there
are lots of people who do.  I class that as a reply even if it's not
going back to the sender, since I think that forwarding means handing the
message to someone perhaps with a sticky note of comments at the top but
otherwise not chewed around.  Can you say IMNSHO? :-)

% > % in the message.  Again great!  This is exactly the behavior I want.  But
% > So $mime_forward and putting any prologue in your envelope isn't good
% The $mime_forward behavior is OK, but it's not what I've been
% conditioned to expect when I forward a message.  I would expect the
% basic behavior of forwarding to be consistent, whether or not I chose to
% include the original message's attachments.

That makes sense, I suppose.  I can certainly see your argument.

% > I repeat that it's time for a feature patch, so one of you guys either
% > start coding one or find someone who will.
% I wasn't as frustrated with mutt not having the feature as I was with
% feeling that the feature wasn't being understood.  Nevertheless, I
% suppose its time that I took a look at the code to see how difficult
% adding such a feature might be.

Best of luck!

% Gary
% -- 
% Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
% [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | Spokane, Washington, USA
% |

HTH & HAND & Happy Valentine's Day

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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