Aleks --

...and then Aleks Owczarek said...
% On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 11:07:40PM -0500, Justin R. Miller wrote:
% > Hash: SHA1
% > 
% > Said Aleks Owczarek on Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 02:38:08PM +1100:
% > 
% > > convoluted process easier by adding a "forward-with-attachments" variable
% > > 
% > > or am i missing something?????????
% > 
% > I believe mime_forward will do what you want.  I have this: 
% unfortunately that doesn't do it 
% I have already tried ...

Please help me clarify...  Is it the case that $mime_forward does not
work at all for you, or simply that you do not want to forward the
message, with its attachments, in its own single attachment container?
If it's the former, we need to investigate the issue and debug the
problem, because it's obviously supposed to work as designed.

IMHO, it really makes much more sense to forward the attachments with
the original message instead of forwarding them detached and reattached,
so to speak; mutt thinks in terms of messages rather than files or
attachments and "forwarding" is done to existing messages while "mailing"
creates new messages with whatever attachments you want.  Now, if you
only want certain attachments from the list, that's a different story,
but I don't see how your proposed variable would help in that case.

You might resend the message with esc-e, going in and changing the
headers to your new recipients, but that to me is a kludge as well.

I think you'll have to either code up a feature patch yourself or
find someone you can convince to do so for you.  IMHO, again, the only
leverage you might be able to apply is that you want the original headers
hidden somehow, like who originally sent it or what address received it.
Good luck :-)

P.S. -- Your M-F-T: was broken on this message, too


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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