On 16:00 27 Jan 2002, Thomas Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: | * Cameron Simpson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: | > On 09:43 26 Jan 2002, Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: | > > On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 Mathias Gygax spewed into the ether: Holy crap | > > !! How do you cope ? I can't even manage the 200-250 mails I get | > > everyday :-) | > | > Much as I do I guess - spread it across several folders (not | > one-per-list; I put several UNIX/Linux/SOlaris etc lists into one | > big "unix" folder) | | [...] I like having fine-grained control | over what I read :)
You're hardly obliged to :-) I just found a hundred folders harder to track. Now I have only about thirty. | > and some lists you only visit sporadicly. Read in threaded mode. Be | > aggressive with the delete-thread key, reading only the interesting | > threads. | | I have a default limit set to only show new mail; I just sort with new at the top, and the colour change tells me when I've reached the older stuff (not yet thrown away). | I get about 750 mails a day, and this setup works fine to keep on top of | my mail without having it take hours to read it. 90% of my time in mutt | is probably in vim editing replies :) I probably get double that I think (past a certain point, who counts?) Still, you're doing better than I with your reading/replying ratio. -- Cameron Simpson, DoD#743 [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/ Every particle continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line except insofar as it doesn't. - Sir Arther Eddington