* Cameron Simpson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> On 09:43 26 Jan 2002, Prahlad Vaidyanathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 Mathias Gygax spewed into the ether:  Holy crap
> > !! How do you cope ? I can't even manage the 200-250 mails I get
> > everyday :-)
> Much as I do I guess - spread it across several folders (not
> one-per-list; I put several UNIX/Linux/SOlaris etc lists into one
> big "unix" folder)

Ugh, not sure I could handle that.  I like having fine-grained control
over what I read :)

> and some lists you only visit sporadicly. Read in threaded mode. Be
> aggressive with the delete-thread key, reading only the interesting
> threads.

I have a default limit set to only show new mail; reading mail involves
scanning the folder's subjects once, and when I leave it, the old mail
gets hidden and after about a week, archived.  Even busy lists only take
a few seconds to scan using PageUp.

I get about 750 mails a day, and this setup works fine to keep on top of
my mail without having it take hours to read it.  90% of my time in mutt
is probably in vim editing replies :)

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.aagh.net/
Fat people of the world unite, we've got nothing to lose!

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