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* and then Christian Schoepplein blurted....
> > And you can add hard coded font sizes in websites to that list, I know
> > you can overide stylesheets but it's annoying to have to go to such
> > lengths to read sites like cnn.com.
> No, the problem is, that I have to work on the textbased console if I want 
> to use linux, becouse there is no screenreader (speech or brailleoutput) 
> for totaly blind people which makes the grafical enviroment 
> (kde etc.) accessible. So I have to use for example lynx to visit 
> websites, but lynx has no support for javascript. There are 
> windowsscreenreaders who can handle javascript (for example jaws), but I 
> don't want to use windows to much ;-). Linux is a perfect system for blind 
> computerusers and even if you are restricted on the textbased enviroment 

Is this because of the keystroke vs mouse click thing?
I've been using more and more console apps over the last few months and
generally find that programs like Mutt are sooo worth the initial
learning curve with regard my eyesight /and/ general ease of use.

I'd love it if you could send me (off list I think) any useful links on
this topic.

> problems for my: The first is the webbrowser and the second is an 
> officeaplication wich is compartible with the ms-office (I sometimes hav 
> to write text in word for my job). 

Yeah, I can imagine. Lynx is great but only really good for techy sites
and manuals and stuff. No idea about compatible office software, I use
Star Office in X but even that isn't /really/ compatible.

Take care

- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:    +45 3325 0688
Fax:    +45 3325 0677
Web:    www.explodingnet.com

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