* On 21-01-02 at 14:40 * Thomas Hurst said.... > * Dave Price ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > > > On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 05:25:56PM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote: > > > Where it's merely inconsiderate to not trim quotations when replying > > > ordinarily, when replying to a blind user it becomes outright rude. > > > Learn to use your screenreader better, and teach it to ignore or skip > > over quote chars at the start of a new line. > > That would still leave you with a truckload of repeated and mostly > irrelevent cruft, and not only for someone using a screenreader. > > Being able to skip quotes is no excuse not to trim them; not caring > whether people will simply ignore your message because it appears to > have no content isn't either. How do you tell if you are sending to a blind user? I'm very poor sighted and as a result there are many things I wish people did that they don't that would make my life easier. However, if we spend all our time worrying about every minority problem/consideration we'll never get *anything* done :) > > Perhaps mutt should demand confirmation for sending messages with more > than 80% quoting.. Nah, people gotta choose how they do thier stuff. - -- Nick Wilson Tel: +45 3325 0688 Fax: +45 3325 0677 Web: www.explodingnet.com -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) iD4DBQE8TBuOHpvrrTa6L5oRAr7SAKCJKYgmsV+DstK+UTB6I+8qSWNCqQCWMdMj Snkr9TOCC/NuQFc/VEYmPw== =JdQc -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----