Hi, I'm a blind computeruser who wants to use mutt. Most things are working very fine, I had only to change a view settings in the standardconfiguration to get mutt working with my special screenreading software (suse-blinux) and hardware devices (brailledisplay and speechsynt). But one thing is very uncomfortable... When reading a mail, there is no cursor inside mutt's internal pager which makes it unposible for my screenreading software to read the message with the normal keyboard by using the arrowkeys for example. I have to use the keys on my brailledisplay and thats really stressfull ;-).
What I'm looking for is a posibility to get a cursor inside the pager which is positioned on the first letter of the line. When opening a message the cursor should be in teh first line of the mail and it would be cool to scroll to the next line (for example by pressing the arrow-down-key) and so on, till the last line of the messagetext. It would be great to be able navigating on every line of the message with the cursor, then it shuld be no problem reading a message with my screenreading software. As far as I know mutt doesn't have a solution for my problem, but maybe I'm wrong ??? Perhaps anyone has a tip how I can solve the problem or maybe it is posible to ad a new feature to mutt, that brings a cursor in to the internal pager. Thanks in advance, Schoeppi -- Christian Schoepplein | http://www.lily-rockt.de [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.lavish.de