You can use an external pager with mutt.  This would at least be a good
interim solution.  "set pager=view" or something.


On Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 08:26:35PM +0100, Christian Schoepplein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi,
> I'm a blind computeruser who wants to use mutt. Most things are working 
> very fine, I had only to change a view settings in the 
> standardconfiguration to get mutt working with my special screenreading 
> software (suse-blinux) and hardware devices (brailledisplay and 
> speechsynt). But one thing is very uncomfortable... When reading a mail, 
> there is no cursor inside mutt's internal pager which makes it unposible 
> for my screenreading software to read the message with the normal keyboard 
> by using the arrowkeys for example. I have to use the keys on my 
> brailledisplay and thats really stressfull ;-).
> What I'm looking for is a posibility to get a cursor inside the pager 
> which is positioned on the first letter of the line. When opening a 
> message the cursor should be in teh first line of the mail and it would be 
> cool to scroll to the next line (for example by pressing 
> the arrow-down-key) and so on, till the last line of the messagetext. It 
> would be great to be able navigating on every line of the message with the 
> cursor, then it shuld be no problem reading a message with my 
> screenreading software.
> As far as I know mutt doesn't have a solution for my problem, but maybe 
> I'm wrong ??? Perhaps anyone has a tip how I can solve the problem or 
> maybe it is posible to ad a new feature to mutt, that brings a cursor in 
> to the internal pager.
> Thanks in advance,
> Schoeppi
> -- 
> Christian Schoepplein    |
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |

Daniel E. Eisenbud

"We should go forth on the shortest walk perchance, in the spirit of
undying adventure, never to return,--prepared to send back our embalmed
hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms."
                                        --Henry David Thoreau, "Walking"

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