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* On 18-01-02 at 08:07 
* Roberto Suarez Soto said....

> On Jan/16/2002, Justin R. Miller wrote:
> > I'm not aware of a native way, but I had toyed with the idea of
> > adjusting the value of $mailboxes based on the time of day/week/etc.
> > For example, only reading list mail while not at work (or similar).
> > That should be easy enough, either with shell scripts to output the
> > value of $mailboxes, or maybe a cron job to tweak the .muttrc.  
>       I think that a good way to do this natively would be to assign a
> score to the mailboxes, so only when they reached some score they showed
> the "new mail" message. This score could be assigned per new mail
> received, so playing with this you could assign some kind of
> "priorities" to mail folders.
>       Just a wish/suggestion for the developers, anyway :-)

Yeah! I like that idea, I also find this to be a pain. I don't want to
comment/uncomment lines in my muttrc depending on the time of day but
the 'new mail in' message is such a distraction when I should be doing
outher things.

Nick Wilson

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