I use procmail to filter mail into several different mailboxes. Some I
need to monitor continually, while others I only want to look at once a
day or so, and others only every few days.

As I have things set up now, all these mailboxes are in my ~/Mail
directory, and mailboxes set to `echo ~/Mail/*`

The problem is that this way I'm always made immediately aware of new
mail in busy mailboxes, so those mailboxes are impinging on my
consciousness more than I'd like.

Is there a way to control the frequency with which Mutt checks for new
mail in specific mailboxes (immediately for some important boxes, every
few hours for others, every couple of days for others)? It's a pain to
try to remember how long it's been since I read mail in a particular

Forgive me if this is already covered somewhere in the documentation. 

  /v\   Lance Simmons
/(   )\

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