Very nice.  Now I just need to figure out how to get it all set up in my
environment!  ;)

On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Cameron Simpson wrote:

>On 17:49 16 Jan 2002, Michael Montagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>| > On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>| > >Well, this isn't strictly an "in mutt" solution, but I don't use
>| > >$mailboxes to monitor email.  Instead my procmail recipe runs a small
>| > >shell script when delivering to particular folders, and that script
>| > >writes a line to a file I'm monitoring in a small always-open xterm
>| > >citing folder, author and subject.
>| > 
>| > I wouldn't mind taking a look at both the script and the recipe, if you
>| > don't mind.  I've been wondering how to do that.  
>| Me too, that sounds very interesting.  Can you share it to the list?
>Well, bear in mind you did ask this of someone with a heavily customised
>Also note that I automgenerate my .procmailrc with this tool:
>so the apprently painful verbosity is done by a program from this single line:
>       !attn   CSKK            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>The "!" means "make an alert line, "attn" is the folder, "CSKK" is a tagline
>and "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is a target email address to match on.
>So on to the example procmail recipe:
>       : 0
>       * ^(to|cc|bcc):.*cskk@optushome\.com\.au
>       {
>         : 0hc
>         | mhdrs | { while read hdr body; do eval "HDR_$hdr=\$body"; done; alert -c 
>yellow "`timecode` +attn $HDR_FROM; $HDR_SUBJECT"; }
>         : 0hf
>         | sed -e 's/^Subject: *\[[^ ]*\] */Subject: /' -e 's/^Subject: *[Rr][Ee] *: 
>*\[[^ ]*\] */Subject: Re: /' -e 's/^Subject:/& [CSKK]/'
>         : 0
>         attn/.
>       }
>Now, note that only the first bit matters. This recipe does three things
>on detection of email for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>       - generates an alert for my window
>       - hacks the subject line to mark it with [CSKK] and tidy it up a bit
>       - drops it in my +attn folder when my high priority email goes
>So the core trick is to use the {...} stuff to do a few things in a
>given recipe, and thus to have an alert action for specific rules.
>That said, mhdrs is a tiny perl script to crudely grab header lines from
>the mail message (supplied on stdin by procmail):
>and write them out in shell friendly form. The while loop sucks them up
>and makes variables like $HDR_SUBJECT etc for use by the alert command,
>which is just a script:
>to deposit the supplied line onto the logfile, in yellow in this instance.
>Then my FvwmButtons at the screen top has a 3 line transparent rxvt
>which runs "tail -f" on the logfile.
>And lo, when such email arrives it's mentioned quietly but obviously at
>the top of my screen.

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