On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Jeremy Blosser wrote:

> Well, FWIW, I'm pretty sure he's talking about his own vendor's mutt
> package ("port" is a BSD-ism, right?).  Regular Mutt still defaults to
> ncurses, and there's certainly no mention of the above text in Mutt's
> Makefile.

generally (you're correct there).  Some porters do a good job, some don't.
Unfortunately (in contrast to Debian), FreeBSD's porters seem to work as
a mob (makes it hard to keep track of who is handling a package).

> > not really (barring bugs in mutt, there's no intrinsic difference between
> > what's doable with ncurses or slang).  There were some trivial bugs
> One difference I discovered recently that made me switch my build back to
> ncurses (heh) is that S-Lang has a rather low value for COLOR_PAIRS.  At
> around 30 color entries, any additional ones started reverting back to
> normal... this might actually explain the problem Jack is having.  (The
> real number is probably 25, since it has to be a square, but duplicate
> color pairs don't count against the total, and I didn't research it all the
> way down yet.)

that seems familiar (but ncurses does use a square, though pair 0 is
treated specially).


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