On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 04:18:19PM -0500, Jack Baty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After installing from the port, colors are no longer working properly using
> Putty. By not working I mean that it seems the foreground and background
> colors are reversed in some cases. Text that was previously green on a
> default background is now black on a green background.  The default
> background does not seem to "show through". In other cases, the text color is
> completely different from those defined in my .muttrc. No other changes were
> made that I'm aware of, so I started poking around in the makefile. I noticed
> that during the install that slang was also installed, which I'd not seen
> before.  The Makefile says...
> # In general you can choose between using the SLANG port (which is really
> # recommended and is now the default) and ncurses (WITH_MUTT_NCURSES). If you
> # don't want to use SLANG define WITHOUT_MUTT_SLANG.
> Now, before I go around messing with trying to go back to using ncurses, I'd
> like to know if anyone knows if there's a way to fix the color issue while
> still using slang, since that seems to now be "recommended". I know nothing
> about curses or S-LANG btw, so I'm pretty much flying blind here.

Same problem here, but mutt seems to work fine, when build with


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