On Jan 16, Thomas E. Dickey [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Nicolas Rachinsky wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 04:18:19PM -0500, Jack Baty
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > After installing from the port, colors are no longer working properly
> > > ...
> > > The Makefile says...
> > >
> > > # In general you can choose between using the SLANG port (which is really
> > > # recommended and is now the default) and ncurses (WITH_MUTT_NCURSES). If you
> > > # don't want to use SLANG define WITHOUT_MUTT_SLANG.
> indeed (I haven't seen any discussion that indicates there was any
> technical reason for this - a shame, since that tends to increase my own
> incoming bug reports from people who don't know how to set their
> environment).

Well, FWIW, I'm pretty sure he's talking about his own vendor's mutt
package ("port" is a BSD-ism, right?).  Regular Mutt still defaults to
ncurses, and there's certainly no mention of the above text in Mutt's

> > > using Putty. By not working I mean that it seems the foreground and
> > > background colors are reversed in some cases. Text that was
> > > previously green on a default background is now black on a green
> > > background.  The default background does not seem to "show through".
> > > In other cases, the text color is completely different from those
> > > defined in my .muttrc. No other changes were made that I'm aware of,
> > > so I started poking around in the makefile. I noticed that during the
> > > install that slang was also installed, which I'd not seen before.
> > > Now, before I go around messing with trying to go back to using
> > > ncurses, I'd like to know if anyone knows if there's a way to fix the
> > > color issue while still using slang, since that seems to now be
> > > "recommended". I know nothing about curses or S-LANG btw, so I'm
> > > pretty much flying blind here.
> not really (barring bugs in mutt, there's no intrinsic difference between
> what's doable with ncurses or slang).  There were some trivial bugs

One difference I discovered recently that made me switch my build back to
ncurses (heh) is that S-Lang has a rather low value for COLOR_PAIRS.  At
around 30 color entries, any additional ones started reverting back to
normal... this might actually explain the problem Jack is having.  (The
real number is probably 25, since it has to be a square, but duplicate
color pairs don't count against the total, and I didn't research it all the
way down yet.)

Anyway, I switched my home build back to ncurses, and I'm not experiencing
the problems I previously had with it.  I still am on various servers, even
using the exact same mutt and ncurses builds, but I'm still looking into
what's really wrong there.

> reported for color support, but my experience with sending patches _to_
> mutt-dev was that they were ignored (not even rejected), so there's little
> reason to pursue that.

You might have better luck submitting them as actual bug reports in the
BTS.  There's a lot of mail of these lists, not everything is seen.  The
BTS provides tracking, which is useful.

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