Nick, at al --

...and then Nick Wilson said...
% * On 10-01-02 at 20:05 
% * David T-G said....
% > % Stimulated by recent threads on organisation, I want to save the fcc
% > % copies of my outgoing mail to a subdir. At present they are saved by
% > 
% > *grin*  It's contagious, isn't it?
% Oh yeah!


% > Use the %O expando (that's an oh and not a zero, mind you) as outlined in
% > section 6.3.80 (index_format) in a hook something like
% > 
% >   fcc-save-hook . =outbox/%O
% Ahh... at last. Just what I need to!

Good deal.

% > to save everything in "the original save folder name" under outbox.  I
% > find O'Shaughnessy Evans's %_ patch to force lower casing handy, since it
% > seems that %O will try to write to UserName instead of username if it is
% > so capitalized in the headers.
% That patch seems like a neat idea, where can I get it? I checked Davids
% 'build cocktail' but couldn't see it.

It's there, though you may not recognize it:

  [zero] [2:19pm] ~>  lynx

                                     Index of /mutt-build-cocktail (p1 of 2)

                           Index of /mutt-build-cocktail
          Name                    Last modified       Size  Description
   [DIR]  Parent Directory        09-Dec-2001 07:31      -
   [TXT]  00-READ-ME              06-Dec-2001 07:23     1k
   [TXT]  patch-0.94.12.oe.__...> 06-Sep-2001 01:32     3k

Getting a percent into a URL is unnecessary ugly, so it was never
distributed that way.

% -- 
% Nick Wilson


% Tel:  +45 3325 0688
% Fax:  +45 3325 0677
% Web:

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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