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* On 10-01-02 at 20:05 
* David T-G said....

> % Stimulated by recent threads on organisation, I want to save the fcc
> % copies of my outgoing mail to a subdir. At present they are saved by
> *grin*  It's contagious, isn't it?

Oh yeah!

> % 
> % this seems easy enough to do if you are saving all the mail to a single
> % mailbox, but is there a way to do it if you are saving to recipeint
> % named mailboxes?
> Use the %O expando (that's an oh and not a zero, mind you) as outlined in
> section 6.3.80 (index_format) in a hook something like
>   fcc-save-hook . =outbox/%O

Ahh... at last. Just what I need to!

> to save everything in "the original save folder name" under outbox.  I
> find O'Shaughnessy Evans's %_ patch to force lower casing handy, since it
> seems that %O will try to write to UserName instead of username if it is
> so capitalized in the headers.

That patch seems like a neat idea, where can I get it? I checked Davids
'build cocktail' but couldn't see it.

- -- 

Nick Wilson

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Web:    www.explodingnet.com

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