* On 10-01-02 at 18:18 * Sven Guckes said.... > * Michael Maibaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020110 16:37]: > > Stimulated by recent threads on organisation, I want to save > > the fcc copies of my outgoing mail to a subdir. At present > > they are saved by name to the top level of my Mail dir and > > to please my slightly obbsessive sense of tidieness I would > > like to move them to a subdir called outbox/ > > > > this seems easy enough to do if you are saving all the mail > > to a single mailbox, but is there a way to do it if you are > > saving to recipeint named mailboxes? > > my_hdr "Fcc: /dir/outbox" Won't that just create a custom header? I must be missing the point :) - -- Nick Wilson Tel: +45 3325 0688 Fax: +45 3325 0677 Web: www.explodingnet.com -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE8PekGHpvrrTa6L5oRAmP8AJ0V1mrxmem6f4DD6Y3AVWMy9vKo3QCfQPKI 1vwS1VJoO6pHOm8n5pL3Dnw= =0LCB -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----