Ben -- ...and then Benjamin Pharr said... % % I am fairly new to Mutt, but I have RTFM and done a Google search, so
Welcome! ... % First of all, I have several different e-mail addresses I use for % different purpose. Is there a "right" way to switch between "From" % addresses? To send a new message with a specified address, use a send-hook to run a my_hdr command to set your From: header. % % Also, I have this in my .muttrc: % % set reverse_name = yes % set reverse_realname = yes % % , but Mutt doesn't seem to be honoring it. For instance, when I have an You need to be sure $alternates is set up correctly. Yours would probably look about like set alternates="ben(|-lists)" if you only have these two addresses. % e-mail come in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I reply to it, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is put in the From header. I want the e-mail address that it was sent to to be used in the reply. Yep. That needs $alternates. % % Finally, I get lots of signed messages off the Debian lists, so I have % automatic verification turned off. Now I can't figure out how to % manually verify a message. I did it once, but I don't remember how. I think Nicolas's macro is probably the best answer here, though you might be able to verify without opening the message for reading (untested). % % If anyone can help me with any of this, I would appreciate it. Thanks! HTH & HAND % % Ben Pharr % :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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