On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 04:56:37PM -0600, Benjamin Pharr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> First of all, I have several different e-mail addresses I use for
> different purpose. Is there a "right" way to switch between "From"
> addresses? 

I use:

alias f_de      Nicolas Rachinsky <adress1>
alias f_net     Nicolas Rachinsky <adress2>
alias f_list    Nicolas Rachinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias f_        Nicolas Rachinsky <adress3>
alias f_nr      Nicolas Rachinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias f_wes     Nicolas Rachinsky <adress4>
alias f_tli1    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
alias f_tli2    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

macro compose v "<edit-from>^Uf_<tab>" "Absender wählen"

So I can press v in the compose menu, and get a list of from

And I set the default from depending on the folder I'm in.

> Also, I have this in my .muttrc:
> set reverse_name = yes
> set reverse_realname = yes
> , but Mutt doesn't seem to be honoring it. For instance, when I have an
> e-mail come in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I reply to it, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is put 
>in the From header. I want the e-mail address that it was sent to to be used in the 

I think you have to set alternates correctly, but I must admit I don't
really know.

> Finally, I get lots of signed messages off the Debian lists, so I have
> automatic verification turned off. Now I can't figure out how to
> manually verify a message. I did it once, but I don't remember how.

Try this one

macro pager p "<enter-command>set 
pgp_verify_sig\n" "Check PGP sig"


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