Nick -- ...and then Nick Wilson said... % % * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020108 18:18]: % > % > ...and then Nick Wilson said... % > % % > % I was told that the pgp-outlook patch would correct this but I'm not % > % having any luck. % > % > You have to both set $pgp_create_traditional (which is a stock part of % > mutt) and $pgp_outlook_compat (which appears thanks to the patch). % % Yeah, I was staying away from that as the manual said it was higly % deprecated.
*smile* As Jonathan said, this is something of a religious war. Both subtle variations of the same abominable method are frowned upon (there, how's that for stating my position? ;-) The new setting is only useful when the stock setting is turned on. % % I take it that the $pgp_outlook_compat sorts out the body of the email % and the $pgp_create_traditional puts a --clearsign sig at the foot of % the mail rather than attach it? That sounds about right, but I haven't actually dug into it much. In looking at the headers I've seen [surprisingly] little difference between turning on one and turning on both; perhaps I should have been looking farther down :-) % % > % % > % What I'm looking for is someone that has maybe applied this patch to % > % give me a hand as I'm not certain I'm doing it right. % > % > Something like % > % > tar xpfz mutt-1.3.25i.tar.gz % > cd mutt-1.3.25 % > patch < ../patch-1.3.15.sw.pgp-outlook.1 % > ./configure % > make % % Okay, % I have tried this % % tar xzvf mutt.1.3.25i.tar.gz % cd mutt-1.3.25 % ./configure --enable-pop --enable-imap % make % make install % % .....and then % % patch -i patch-1.3.15.sw.pgp-outlook.1 (patch in same dir) % ./configure --enable-pop --enable-imap % make % make install % % and that wasn't having an effect. For one thing, you have to be sure to have both on, and I'm not sure that you ever got that far. For another, though, although it seems to me that the change should be big enough to cause the proper bits to be recompiled, it would probably be best if you at least did a make clean make after your patching if you didn't patch on clean source before even running configure and make. % I saw nothin in the man page for patch like what you've suggested % (though i'm sure you are right)? I keep my patches in the parent directory, which leads to the ../ part, and -i FILE is effectively the same as < FILE; we're doing it the same way. % % % > should get you started. You can see my and ... % % As I'm sure you can see I'm really not that expert at compiling/patching % and generally fiddling around so if there is a simple all-in-one idiots % way to get all I need then let me have at it! I'm workin' on it :-) You could also grab the -05 tar file from the clean directory and un-tar and then configure and make, but you'd get all of the rest of my patches, too ;-) % % I'd appreciate your comments on the difference between what I was trying % and what you have suggested, inexperience does not mean I don't want to % learn a trick or two :) Don't we all! % % Many thanks for your time on this HTH & HAND % % -- % % Nick Wilson % % Tel: +45 3325 0688 % Fax: +45 3325 0677 % Web: % :-D -- David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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