Dale, et al --

...and then Dale Woolridge said...
% On  6-Jan-2002 06:12 David T-G wrote:
% |
% | So does your patch include Bardur's functionality and then go farther, or
% | do the two complement each other?
%     My patch should work as a replacement as it includes all the
%     functionality of Bardur's patch, albeit with slightly different
%     syntax.  The implementation is altogether different too.

So I figured when I found that the two wouldn't apply together :-)

% --
% -Dale

I'm now using the 1.3.25 cocktail as follows:

  Mutt 1.3.25i (2002-01-01)
  Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Michael R. Elkins and others.
  Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
  Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
  under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.
  System: Linux 2.4.5 (i686) [using ncurses 5.0]
  Compile options:
  To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
  To report a bug, please use the flea(1) utility.
    Patches I have applied (I find this non-standard list helpful)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.25.rr.compressed.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-0.00.sec.patchlist.8.1.dtg (dtg)
    Feature patch: %_                   0.94.12 by O'Shaughnessy Evans
    Feature patch: reverse-reply        0.95.4 by Stefan `Sec` Zehl (+ hb)
    Feature patch: patch-1.1.1.hb.save_alias.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.23.bj.hash_destroy.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.23.bj.my_hdr_subject.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.23.bj.noquote_hdr_term.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.24.bj.status-time.1-dtg (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.23.bj.current_shortcut.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.24.dgc.xlabel_ext.4 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.24.dgc.deepif.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.24.dgc.attach.2 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.24.dgc.markmsg.2 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.24.dgc.unbind.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.24.dgc.isalias.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.2.mha.resend-fcc.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.25.cd.edit_threads.9.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.24.cd.trash_folder.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.20000609.mg.hdrcolor.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.15.sw.pgp-outlook.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch- (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.23.ats.mark_old-1.3.23+cvs-1.diff (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.25i.devl.narrow_tree.1 (dtg)
    Feature patch: patch-1.3.25.dw.pgp-hook (dtg)

I still don't like the way the PATCHES file is built, and not everyone
has updated patches for 1.3.25 or to update PATCHES, so I still roll my
own patchlist.c :-)

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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