David noted that my recent pgp-hook extension patch conflicts with
Bardur Arantsson's pgp-hook-extension patch.  Borrowing Bardur's
idea and following David's suggestion, I have implemented the same
idea following the existing hook model more closely.  You can find
the new patch at http://www.woolridge.org/mutt/.  Bardur's patch
extended pgp-hook from
        pgp-hook <pattern> <keyID>
        pgp-hook <pattern> <keyID_1> [, <keyID_2>] ...

My patch, aside from the pgp_confirmhook/pgp_autokeyselect support,
now allows multiple pgp-hook's with the same pattern, e.g.:
        pgp-hook <pattern> <keyID_1>
        pgp-hook <pattern> <keyID_2>

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