On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 06:20:27AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
> Clebor --
> ...and then Cleber S. Mori said...
> % I'm having a problem with mutt finding new mails, even after all the
> % mailboxes var and etc. set, Mutt still don't find folders with new mails.
> % 
> % I found the problem, but not the problem origin. What is happening is that
> ...
> % The problem is that *something* is touching the file. 
> % 
> % 
> % Any one, have a clue?
> The usual places to check are your shell and any new mail notification
> programs along with improperly-configured backup tools (a rare one).
> Make *sure* that your shell isn't watching any mail files and that you're
> not running anything like biff, xbiff, newmail, or the like.

Tkdesk is another possible culprit.
Are you running "inetd" ?
If so disable the "comsat" service in inetd.conf
(put a "#" in front of it in inetd.conf and send a
 SIGHUP to the inetd process).


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