Hi all!

It's me again, I'm feeling like disturbing you guys, sorry :)

I'm having a problem with mutt finding new mails, even after all the
mailboxes var and etc. set, Mutt still don't find folders with new mails.

I found the problem, but not the problem origin. What is happening is that
when new mail comes, the mail file (Separeted via procmail) is "touched" in
atime and ctime (mtime?), while the expected behaviour is that only the
ctime is modifyed. This way, mutt can look and find wich file have a mtime 
newer than atime.

So, when I get new mails, mutt don't "see" that the folder have new mails.

When I do "touch -m /home/cleber/Mail/Lists/Mutt" (which is the mutt list
file), mutt DOES tell me that a new mail is in there, so the configuration
is correct.

The problem is that *something* is touching the file. 

Any one has had this problem? I thought that procmail was doing something
wrong, and I upgraded-it (v3.22), but the problem persists.

Any one, have a clue?

Cleber S. Mori
Monitor Lab Linux
2o Ano - Bacharelado em Ciências da Computação
ICMC - Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
USP - Universidade de São Paulo - São Carlos

HPage:          http://grad.icmc.sc.usp.br/~cleber/
E-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ/UIN:        1409389

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