I went through to see if I could come up with a solution. What I came up
with is to force the behaviour to be the same as if delete=yes where set.

Any thoughts on this?  The patch I have attached is againsts latest
version of cvs.

Any time things appear to be going better, you have overlooked
Index: mx.c
RCS file: /home/roessler/cvs/mutt/mx.c,v
retrieving revision 2.61
diff -u -r2.61 mx.c
--- mx.c        2001/12/03 13:31:02     2.61
+++ mx.c        2001/12/06 00:09:44
@@ -880,7 +880,8 @@
-  if (ctx->deleted)
+  /* assume purge if maildir_trash is yes */
+  if (ctx->deleted && (ctx->magic == M_MAILDIR && !option (OPTMAILDIRTRASH)))
     snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), ctx->deleted == 1
             ? _("Purge %d deleted message?") : _("Purge %d deleted messages?"),
@@ -1135,7 +1136,8 @@
     return (0);
-  if (ctx->deleted)
+  /* assume purge if maildir_trash is yes */
+  if (ctx->deleted && (ctx->magic == M_MAILDIR && !option (OPTMAILDIRTRASH)))
     char buf[SHORT_STRING];

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