Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ren? Clerc wrote:
>> Then you probably have set ignore_list_reply_to=yes (where no = default)
> i don't.
> zugzug [~]% grep -ri ignore_list_reply .mutt*
> zugzug [~]% 

A better test might be

:set ?ignore_list_reply_to

inside of Mutt.

> yes i agree, but sometimes _other_ people set MFT improperly (or even
> more likely, cc someone improperly).  since people who are already set
> to receive followups are then included in YOUR MFT header, people who
> are actually on the list may end up getting ccd by everyone else.

Mutt should generate the MFT header based on the people you've
included in the To: and Cc: headers.  If you remove the improperly
Cc-ed individual from the Cc: header, Mutt should not put that
person in the MFT header.


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