On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:24:04AM -0500, Dan Boger wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:19:33AM -0500, Paul Brannan wrote:
> > Pressing '$' does not appear to have any effect.  As a test, I:
> >   a) send a message to myself
> >   b) return to my INBOX (which resides on an IMAP server)
> >   c) wait a while, then press '$' -- nothing happens
> >   d) quit mutt
> >   e) start mutt and return to my INBOX -- the message is there
> syncing doesn't delete anything on it's own...  you have to delete the
> message if you expect the sync to remove it from the mailbox.
> or am I misunderstanding you?

No, I'm not trying to delete the message.  What I want to do is send a
message to myself and refresh the mailbox, so that I can see the message
in my mailbox before the next scheduled mail check.  (In other words, I
want to be able to check my mail at an arbitrary time, rather than at
every mail_check interval).


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