* Paul Brannan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [011130 15:45]:
> 1) How can I refresh the current inbox?

Use the command "sync-mailbox" - bound to '$' by default.
And please use '?' to show the help screen
and '/' to search within.  Then go RTFM.

> 2) Can I set up vim to place the cursor in
> the "To" field automatically when composing a message?

"yes".  this is not a vim list, however.
oh, ok, it's just that easy:
  set editor="vim +/To:"


Sven Guckes [EMAIL PROTECTED] - editing emails and posts in color with VIM:
Just get the file    http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/vim/syntax/sven.vim
How to use this syntax file with Vim: ":syntax on" and ":source path/sven.vim"
Using mutt with Vim: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/and.vim.html

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