
* Thomas Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-12-03 00:09]:
>Deliver mail as normal to Maildir's. Every night, scan each maildir and
>move anything older than (say) a week to a datestamped and compressed
>mbox.  Maildir is a good choice for the working mailspools because
>it's robust and has constant-time behaviour when it comes to removing
>messages from the start of the spool.  Mboxes are good for the archives
>themselves because they compress more readily and take up minimal space
>while being quite fast, and are pretty much constant time for appending
>Anyone have different views on this?  Or have a working system they'd
>like to share?
I have different views on Maildirs (see other thread), and I would
move the mails thread-wise, but on all other points, I agree.

I have no solution, but will work on one based on Mail::Audit.

Question Authority!

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