Mutt and procmail are still handling my mail load with ease, but I guess I better come up with a proper mail archival system before it gets too much.
The most common solution seems to be to have procmail deliver mail to [folder]-[date] or similar, but the problem with this is once it rotates you may miss some mail sent after you last ran the MUA over the old mailspool. It can also mean the loss of threading as your once full mailbox suddenly empties itself, so new posts no longer have a history to look back on without refering to another mailbox. So, I'm looking for a rolling archival system, something like: Deliver mail as normal to Maildir's. Every night, scan each maildir and move anything older than (say) a week to a datestamped and compressed mbox. Maildir is a good choice for the working mailspools because it's robust and has constant-time behaviour when it comes to removing messages from the start of the spool. Mboxes are good for the archives themselves because they compress more readily and take up minimal space while being quite fast, and are pretty much constant time for appending messages. Anyone have different views on this? Or have a working system they'd like to share? What about mutt configs to browse through archives quickly? -- Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -