David T-G <mutt> [14/11/01 10:41 -0500]:
> That they are, but I don't know of a ff setting in mutt -- are you
> suggesting that he set that in his editor for replying?

I'm talking about setting $editor to do such filtering in advance if this is
a bother.  And/or to piping the mail through such a filter before opeing it
in mutt's pager

> In order for that to work, he'd want to set fileformat=dos (under vim,
> anyway) and then open the file, and then change it to unix as he writes
> it.

eh?  how come?  vim automatically notes that the file is [dos] and tags it as
such ... ff (short for fileformat) works all right afaict.

> % such mails through dos2unix before opening them - would do the trick.
> I should think that using $display_filter would do nicely for these
> senders...

Just what the doc ordered


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